Isuzu resigns with Team D-MAX for 2017 and beyond…

Isuzu UTE Australia has resigned its sponsorship of Team D-MAX for the remainder of 2017 and beyond.
COINED “Australia’s most famous precision driving team” by Isuzu UTE Australia, the brand has resigned its sponsorship of Team D-MAX for 2017 and beyond.
“Precision driving has been a crowd favourite at city and regional agricultural shows for over 45 years and reaches a huge live audience in both our metropolitan and regional markets,” IUA’s Assistant General Manager – Marketing & PR, Dave Harding said.
“As well as its spectacular driving displays, the team now takes passengers for rides up and over the world’s steepest 4WD ramp, the Isuzu UTE ‘Iron Summit’ (pictured) as well as in a D-MAX being driven on two wheels… it’s definitely a very exciting experience not on offer anywhere else.
“No other sponsorship property outside of off-road racing gives us the opportunity to display our D-MAX and MU-X in action, and present the extraordinary performance and durability our vehicles offer,” he added.
Performing at around 25 shows each year, Team D-MAX Director Wayne Boatwright said: “We’ve enjoyed our partnership with Isuzu UTE Australia and it is great to be associated with the market leader in terms of growth but for us, faith in the product is the main factor.
“There’s a lot of choice in the market when it comes to an automotive partner – but all we care about is genuine high level dependability and toughness – and in that regard the D-MAX and MU-X are in a league of their own,” Boatwright said.
In a statement, Team D-MAX Lead Driver Jack Monkhouse said the team has some exciting developments planned that will enhance the existing show.
“Choreographed to a brand new soundtrack, each performance will feature a range of daring vehicle stunts and close formation driving.
“Crowd favourites, such as driving on two wheels, jumping the utes over one another and the incredibly spectacular head-to-head four way crossover will all feature in the show, and for locations where we are limited with arena access, we’ll be introducing some new customer activations that will add another element of excitement to the Team D-MAX experience,” Monkhouse added.
According to Isuzu UTE Australia, Team D-MAX has performed at more than 100 shows since 2013, offered more than 18,000 passenger rides and been watched by an estimated 8 million showgoers.