The UK government has issued guidelines to car makers to ensure internet connected cars are protected from hacking vulnerabilities…

THE UK GOVERNMENT has issued guidelines requiring makers of internet-connected cars to ensure are better shielded against cyber vulnerabilities. According to the British Government, it is concerned that ‘smart’ vehicles which are those that can act as a wifi hotspot could be targeted by car hackers to access personal data, or take control of the vehicle for malicious purposes.

Read our story on whether your car can be hacked.

Transport Minister Lord Callanan said in a statement: “Our cars are becoming smarter and self-driving technology will revolutionise the way in which we travel. Risks of people hacking into the technology might be low, but we must make sure the public is protected. Whether we’re turning vehicles into wifi connected hotspots or equipping them with millions of lines of code to become fully automated, it is important that they are protected against cyber-attacks.

“That’s why it’s essential all parties involved in the manufacturing and supply chain are provided with a consistent set of guidelines that support this global industry. Our key principles give advice on what organisations should do, from the board level down, as well as technical design and development considerations.

The British government is also looking at a broader programme of work announced in this year’s Queen’s speech under the landmark Autonomous and Electric Vehicles Bill that aims to create a new framework for self-driving vehicle insurance.

In response to the guidelines issued over the weekend, Mike Hawes, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Chief Executive, said:

“We’re pleased that government is taking action now to ensure a seamless transition to fully connected and autonomous cars in the future and, given this shift will take place globally, that it is championing cyber security and shared best practice at an international level. These vehicles will transform our roads and society, dramatically reducing accidents and saving thousands of lives. A consistent set of guidelines is an important step towards ensuring the UK can be among the first – and safest – of international markets to grasp the benefits of this exciting new technology”.

Question: Is your car able to work as a wifi hotspot? Are you concerned about security?


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1 comment

  1. I have zero trust in anything to do with the internet. I won’t use my phone for banking or payments of any kind. I hate the tap and go cards. At least if your wallet is stolen you can only lose what was in it. Tap and go is crazy. It’s driven by business greed alone. I have to use internet banking but not on my laptop. I am way more concerned about security than any financial institution. It seems that they see fraud as just another cost of doing business. The “Internet of Things” won’t be a “thing” in my home. I can open the fridge door and see if I need milk. Another solution looking for a problem, only to create more than it solves. Cars have already been hacked. Who did not see that coming? Excuse the rant but it really bugs me that our lives can be put at risk by people who are so blase about security.

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