Overnight the rear end of the Polestar 1, the first vehicle from Volvo’s now standalone performance brand, was revealed ahead of its global reveal later today.

THERE’S NOT A LOT TO see beyond the that expansive looking bum although there are clear hints of Volvo in the styling. Neither Volvo or Polestar have confirmed what type of vehicle the Polestar 1 will be when it’s revealed later today/tonight in Shanghai but there’s a fair chance it’ll be some sort of performance-oriented hybrid.

Polestar has been drip-feeding snippets of the rear-end of the Polestar 1 in the lead-up to the reveal later today/tonight.

The teaser video reveals close-ups of various body parts of the Polestar 1 and with a handful of motivational-esque slogans, like “no illusions”, “no shortcuts” and “no compromises”.

UK motoring publication, Autocar is suggesting the Polestar 1 could be a re-hashed Volvo Concept Coupe and there a striking similarities between the rear of the Polestar 1 and that 2013 concept. The fact it was designed by Polestar boss and former Volvo design boss, Thomas Ingenlath might be the fire to the smoke of the rumour.


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