Conventional motor shows may be dying, but specialists like Motorclassica go from strength to strength, and for good reason.
MANY PEOPLE enjoy wandering a beautiful hall filled with hundreds of extremely rare and well-cared for cars of all shapes, ages and varitities. That’s how Motorclassica started out, and the car displays remain its centrepiece. But we found so much more than that:
BMW, Mini, Jaguar and Mercedes were all offering free test drivers of everything from a Mini to a supercharged Jaguar V8 F-TYPE or AMG G-Class.Not just old cars. Lorbek, seller of prestige used cars, were there in force.Mustangs new and oldMotorclassica isn’t just about high-powered cars. The quirky French are always interesting. This car shows why older 2WD roadcars were much better offroad and on dirt roads than their more fragile modern equivalents.Wouldn’t be Motorclassica without a brace of Ferraris!So many cars look so similar today because they’re all designed for the same safety and efficiency laws, and carmakers rarely take a risk. Unlike the olden days when this Rolls Royce was made, or thrown together.BMW brought some innovationA rare moment when the gullwing was unattended. The modern equivalent didn’t get nearly as much love.What was that about older cars having more variation in design? Jaguar E-Type.It’s mostly just cars, but other forms of transport can be seen from here and there.It’s not possible to get any more blue that this. Most cars had beautiful restoration paintwork.A BMW manual. BMW still make them, but for how much longer?There’s no way this would pass modern safety standards!The back of a Rolls Royce convertible.The front of the Rolls Royce convertible.Fiat 500. Fiat still make them today, and unlike some manufacturers (hello, Mini) they have held true to the original’s ethos.Did this VW Kombi look this good even when it was brand now?There were several artists drawing cars. I asked if I could take this photo. Wish I’d asked why he selected this one out of so many!Now that’s rare. The last of these Miuras was built in 1973, yet it still looks modern in a way. Five-speed manual and a 4L, V12 engine.We just roadtested one of these! Brand new Abarth 124.How cars used to be, and to some extent, still are. The leaf springs are still used in utes, as is the chassis design. All cars still have a mechanical differential, even if it’s now assisted by electronics. The steering column doesn’t collapse, and no, there’s no steering wheel mounted Bluetooth controls.The richness of design means every car has something interesting to admire.Back when cars had proper spare tyres, and sometimes more than one, often mounted at the front too. And so narrow!Many owners displayed original logbooks, magazine articles, tools and other period pieces.Not all cars were display objects. This one is raod registered on club plates.Jaguar will never make another interior like this one!The Ariel AtomIf you have the money, these guys will design you a house that is also a garage. Wouldn’t you love it?All sorts of odds and ends were on sale, not just car-related things.Curios, antiques and knick-knacks. No reason for your mantelpiece to be bare!Automotive art aplenty.You can have a car made out of watch components by a craftsman. Motorclassica is a good place to go for gifts.Can’t find the artwork you like? This guy will draw it for you.Plenty of old motorcycles on display.If you drive an old car, you still need new tyres on it, but they need to look old. Here’s the solution.Worried about your bike? Store it like so.Lots of companies offering car-based holidays in Australia and beyond.Plenty of products for keeping your car clean.And that’s what the main hall looks like!
What we didn’t cover – various seminars throughout the day, auctions and films. Motorclassica 2016 runs from 21-23 October, but will definitely be on again next year as interest is increasing, and with it the range and depth of activities.
Recommendation? If you have even a passing interest in cars you’ll spend a happy two or four hours there quite easily.