CHOICE calls on government to allow used car imports

CHOICE Australia is calling on the Federal Government to remove laws preventing Australians from importing second-hand cars from overseas.
CHOICE AUSTRALIA has called on the Federal Government to lift restrictions on the import of second-hand cars from overseas (read its submission here). Australian law currently prohibits consumers from importing cars to protect local car manufacturing industry and to ensure the vehicles arriving in Australia meet strict safety and standards guidelines.
The Federal Government is currently conducting a review into the laws that restrict consumers from buying and importing second-hand cars from overseas. Current recommendations are that cars five years and younger and that meet Australian safety standards, should be allowed in.
“Cars are an important part of the day-to-day lives of lots of Australians, and have a big impact on their budgets. CHOICE Consumer Pulse respondents recently told us they’re concerned about how much it costs to own a car. The majority of people were worried about the price of car insurance and 36% had taken steps to cut back on the costs of running their cars over the last 12 months,” writes Sarah Agar on the CHOICE website.
“Reducing car-related costs in any way would help ease the squeeze. Second-hand cars can often be cheaper when purchased overseas, although the largest savings are usually found in the luxury car market. Despite the potential savings to be had, Australian law currently prevents consumers from buying these cheaper cars.”
So, what do you think, when Australian manufacturing finishes in 2017, do you think the laws should be changed to allow the importation of second-hand cars by consumers? See you in the comments.