Australian road deaths on the rise in 2016

Australian road deaths are on the rise in 2016 with New South Wales and Victoria leading the increase, according to the latest statistics.
IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS (as of the end of September) there have been 1273 road deaths in Australia and this is a staggering 7.2% increase in fatalities when compared to the 12-month period ending September 2015.
The latest figures, released last week by the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development show there were a total of 90 road deaths in September which, based on an average for September over the last five years is actually 4.7% lower. This downturn in road fatalities is offset, however, by figures showing that the rate of annual road deaths per 100,000 Australians stands at 5.3 which is a 5.8% increase.
Looking at the States and Territories, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania have all recorded an increase in road deaths compared with their 2015 figures, while Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory recorded a reduction in road deaths, with the NT recording no road deaths in September, down from three in September 2015.
This year to the end of September shows that both New South Wales and Victoria have recorded considerable increases in road deaths, up 14.3% (258 to 295) and 16.9% (189 to 221) respectively. Similarly, both New South Wales and Victoria are showing an increase on the five-year average of 16.9% and 14.1% respectively.
Interestingly, it seems as if road safety messages might finally be getting through to younger drivers, with the age group 17-25 recording an increase of one extra road death for the 12-months to September (243) when compared to the same period in 2015 (242). On the other hand, all of the other age groups are showing a significant increase, with road deaths in 40-60 age group up by 18.2%.
And, in a suggestion that perhaps distracted driving is having more of an impact than many motorists might have realised, the number of road deaths in two car collisions is up 11.6% in the 12 months ended September.
I have a new vehicle. I’ve spent far more time than I would like checking the speedo and fiddling with the cruise control. That’s because I fear getting booked for speeding more than getting myself killed by being distracted. Abolish speed cameras. Put coppers back behind the wheel of marked cars. There is nothing like real policing to get people concentrating again! Driving while using a mobile phone is as dangerous as drunk driving and should incur immediate loss of license. Fix the roads that kill no matter what it costs. And best of all, teach people to drive, not just get a license.
Make the use of a mobile phone in the car illegal with a mandatory 6 month jail term. Watch road deaths decrease real quick.