QLD police lack technology to catch unregistered drivers

RACQ says QLD police don’t have enough cars fitted with automatic numberplate recognition technology to catch unregistered drivers.
QUEENSLANDERS ARE staring down the barrel of a state election and the RACQ has used the election built-up to call on the state’s major political parties to commit funding for more Automatic Numberplate Recognition Technology (ANPR) for Queensland police. Registration stickers has been phased out in QLD, like NSW, SA, WA and TAS.
RACQ Executive General Manager Advocacy Paul Turner said approximately 24 police vehicles were currently fitted with the technology across the State. In NSW there are 400 police cars fitted with ANPR devices, and Tasmania has been using the technology since 2009.
“How can the police adequately do their jobs if they don’t have the resources to do so?” Mr Turner said.
“Since 1 October, motorists have not had to display their registration sticker, which means police don’t have a visual clue to spot unregistered cars.
“The ANPR systems allow officers to immediately scan number plates to quickly identify whether the vehicle is registered.”
Mr Turner said QPS was lagging behind its New South Wales counterparts.
“Our southern neighbours have access to nearly 400 ANPR devices. We just fail miserably in comparison,” he said.
Mr Turner said motorists who drove unregistered were more likely to break other road rules.
“If you’re not concerned by paying your registration, then you’re less likely to care if your licence is up to date or car is roadworthy.”