driving techniques
Setting up for the snow, or how to operate your car in cold weather
It’s winter time, and you want to get out into the snow! Or maybe you’re just worried about how your car will handle cold morning starts. Here’s how to operate your car in cold weather.
How to recover from a skid
What do you do if the rear of your car starts to slide around and try and overtake the front, or oversteer? Here’s how to recover from a skid.
Never try and swerve around an animal on the road…
I’ve seen some bizarre things but one day in 2013 was a first… a man chasing an echidna… on the freeway. Here’s what to do if you see an animal on the road.
The 13 driving techniques you need to unlearn
Cars have advanced rapidly, and your driving technique needs too as well… Here are the 13 driving techniques you need to unlearn.
How to drive in the snow
With many parts of Australia experiencing a very cold snap this week, seeing snow fall where it doesn’t normally we thought we’d explain how to drive in the snow.
Why advanced driving courses don’t always make you a safer driver
You are wasting your money if you think advanced driving courses are going to make you a safer driver.
Everything you need to know about towing heavy trailers
Towing big, heavy trailers is not a matter of hooking up and hoping for the best – here’s our guide to everything you need to know about towing heavy trailers.
Rob Wilson – Formula One’s secret weapon
Even hardcore Formula One fans might never have heard of Rob Wilson, the New Zealand-born racer who helps half the current F1 grid drive faster.
Honda Civic sets lowest fuel consumption Guinness World Records
A Honda Civic has set a new Guinness World Records title for the lowest fuel consumption for all cars in the 24 contiguous European Union countries, averaging 2.34L/100km over 13,419km.
The only thing you need to know to be a better driver…
Crash cams, Facebook pages… there’s always someone else to blame for a car accident, but the only thing you need to know to be a better driver, is…
How to brake properly – 14 tips
Sadly, most people don’t know how to brake properly. And that’s why we’ve come up with 14 tips to help you brake like a pro.
How to change gears the right way (part 2)
Last time we looked at how to change gears the right way, we covered the art of skip shifting. This time we’re on the way down, which is more difficult.
Motorists ready to warn others of speed traps
More than half of all Queensland motorists are happy to break the law and warn other drivers of speed traps, according to research.
How to change gears the right way (part 1)
Very few drivers really know how use their manual gearboxes, because they were incorrectly taught to start with. Here’s how to change gears the right way.
How to drive on the wrong side of the road – Part 2
We continue our top tips on how to drive on the wrong side of the road, in part two we cover adapting to local driving culture.