From today car dealers and repairers that interfere with a car’s odometer will face a $22,000 fine as NSW Fair Trading clamps down on odometer tampering.

FROM TODAY car dealers or repairers in New South Wales that tamper with odometers will be hit face a $22,000 fine, double the previous penalty. The announcement was made by the NSW Fair Trading Minister, Matthew Mason-Cox who also revealed a new register of car dealers in NSW.

“NSW consumers will be able to make more informed decisions about who to do business with through a “name and shame” register, which will be operational from today [December 2],” Mr Mason-Cox said.

“This comprehensive register will allow consumers to check if a dealer or repairer has a current licence, as well as whether they have been issued with any penalty notices, including a brief description of the offence and penalty imposed.

“The register will record if any disciplinary action has been noted against the licence holder or been prosecuted for an offence under the Act. “This will include the date of the prosecution and a description to identify the details of the type of offence.

“Under the new reforms starting today, motor dealers will be required to disclose information about a vehicle being offered for sale, including details about whether the car has suffered hail or flood damage or odometer interference.

“Significantly, NSW Fair Trading officers will have new powers to issue orders to licensed dealers and repairers to fix faults without a consumer having to take legal action. This will give consumers greater protection and enhance vehicle safety in this state.’’

The introduction of the register and the doubling of the fine for odometer tampering is the result of 1300 trader visits by NSW Fair Trading which has resulted in “more than 318 penalty infringement notices being issued valued at $242,880,’’ Mason-Cox said. “That compares to 183 penalty infringement notices issued over the same period last year, totalling $122,100.”


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