The Bend’s new 4×4 track takes shape in South Australia

South Australia gets a new place to go offroading at The Bend.
THE BEND is a huge motorsport park that will cater to circuit racing for bikes and cars, drag racing, drift, rally, karting and of course, 4WD. There will be an airstrip, accommodation and an industrial park.
Here’s what the official website has to say:
” The park will provide a facility for training and give 4×4 enthusiasts the chance to experience a challenging adventure course.
It will run through the existing quarry and wind its way through trees whilst utilising surrounding tracks over different terrain. The 4×4 Adventure Park will cover an area of up to 80ha and will feature:
- rock challenge obstacles;
- steep incline, descents and off camber sections;
- water features and obstacles;
- sand traps;
- off road trails.
The facility will be utilised for 4×4 driver training, corporate and vehicle launches and “come and try” events. It may also be used for different forms of offroad competition.”
Here’s where The Bend is, if you’re not familiar with Tailem Bend:
Sound good? We can see this being used for a lot of corporate 4×4 events from training to vehicle launches or just trying out for the first time. The facility looks to be world-class, with the circuit being 7.7km long making it the second-longest in the world after Germany’s Nurburgring. Can’t think of anywhere else that would have all those facilities..wonder if there’s any houses for sale in the locality?
Video and photos credit: The Bend.
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